EP. 55- THE KEY to making your life about SO MUCH MORE than struggling with your weight and worrying about food.


EP. 55- THE KEY to making your life about SO MUCH MORE than struggling with your weight and worrying about food.

Happy Monday! It’s the last show of March, I’m recording this episode with my brand new puppy, and my husband and I put down an offer for our first home. It felt so good to be able to pull the deposit money directly from my business account. It has been a fantastic week. To top it all off, the one-year anniversary of the podcast is March 31st!

Looking back on the last year, I can’t help but think about how far we’ve come together. It’s been a joy helping you reach your goals. I’m so happy you’re here. Stick around; things are going to get better and better.

I’ve used the techniques we’ve been talking about on the podcast not only to lose my last ten pound and keep them off but also to bring my business from a fledgling experiment to what’s now a company grossing multiple six-figures in just one year. Today I want to invite you to do the same. Whether you’ve been struggling with your weight for 10, 20 or even 30 years, changing the way you think can end your struggle for good.

Last week we had Gulzat on the podcast to talk about her journey to weight loss success. This week I’m bringing on another client Monica to talk about why it was worth it to change her beliefs about herself and the way she ate. Don’t skip this episode! There’s plenty to be learned from people who have accomplished the same goals you’re setting for yourself.

Just like Gulzat, Monica was stuck. She’d been struggling for quite some time to reach her goals. Monica moved to the United States with her husband and four children and immediately gained 10 pounds. She was sure American food was poisoning her. She changed her diet and started feeling better, but still couldn’t lose the weight she’d put on.

Monica’s Story

The move to the U.S. was hard on Monica. Anger and frustration had set in, and she was consuming more alcohol and less clean food. She knew what she needed to do, but knew she needed help. She’d even started thinking her age was the reason for her struggle. You can reach your goals at any age!

What happened next changed Monica’s life forever; she saw one of my Facebook videos, scheduled a strategy session, and the rest is history. Monica had tried countless diets, but what she saw when watching my video was different. She saw a program that could change her life, not just to lose the weight she’d put on since moving to America, but keep it off too.

You Can Still Overeat Healthy Foods

Monica was eating all the right foods: kale, nuts, healthy fats. You can overeat even the healthiest of foods. With that strategy session, we set Monica off on a journey towards understanding that she was not allergic to American food and that the thought she’d been embracing during her time here had been the reason she was struggling all along. Together, we changed the way Monica was thinking about her weight, and 16 weeks later the pounds melted right off.

For Monica, it was about understanding that her negative thoughts brought on by her move to the U.S. were the reason she was struggling to lose weight. Her feelings of self-pity and depression were causing her to keep eating all day long. When she started freeing up her brain from the negativity, she noticed all the little things that were keeping her from losing those last 10 pounds. Sugar-free ice cream is still ice cream! So many of her little habits throughout the day were contributing to her struggles. It was empowering for Monica to free her mind and body from overeating. She’s become mindful of how she wants to spend her time and her life.

Each of my clients is different. Every strategy session has its own goals and vision. So many people’s weight loss problems are holding them back from the bigger things in life. Just like me, Monica aspires to help others. Having achieved her own goals has given her the time and energy to move towards creating the life she wants. As an image consultant, she now helps women with their self-esteem and self-image every day.  

Changing Our Thoughts

We have to be aware of our thoughts. Monica found herself complaining and blowing things out of proportion. Striving for perfection was hurting her sense of reality. Thinking of herself as the big woman in her circle of friends was defining her reality. No more. Together we worked to change not only the way Monica thought about the way she eats but also who she is as a woman. She is powerful. She’s not perfect, and understanding that has set her free. The weight of negative thought has been lifted from her life.

Nutritionist, image consultant, and strong, powerful woman. Monica is now using her newfound vision to help women like us every day. The Spanish speaking Brenda Lomeli is on her way to the top!

The Gateway Goal

We’ve all heard of gateway drugs. A client of mine recently called what we do the gateway goal. The tools we use to help women reach their goals open the door to setting and achieving so many more goals as they continue on their journey.

My goal is to help 1,000,000 women to become free of their struggle to lose weight. Women like Monica are the success stories that bring me so much joy. By helping her, I’ve equipped one more strong, powerful woman with the tools needed to impact countless other women along her journey. I’m so happy to have become not just her mentor, but also a colleague.

For more about the specific tools Monica and I used to help her lose those last 10 pounds check out Episode 48: Your strongest food cravings & urges- THE STEPS: my personal 3 step process.

Thanks so much to Monica for coming on the podcast. Have an incredible week. Keep taking care of your emotional needs and you can change your life.
