For a lot of us, these past few weeks have been A LOT.
If you’re noticing yourself coping with food right now more than you’d prefer… NO JUDGMENT.
Give yourself love.
But also—let it be a ‘check engine’ light.
Because the truth is: this moment in history is real. But so is your POWER.
In this episode, I’m breaking down:
-The ‘Trump 10’—why food feels like the only relief sometimes (but there’s a better way to take care of YOU).
-The 7 strategies to stay empowered instead of falling into self-sabotage.
–Why most wellness influencers won’t touch this subject with a 10-foot pole—but I refuse to stay silent because your well-being (and lasting weight loss) is MORE than kale and workout selfies.
It’s absolutely possible that instead of falling into old habits or sabotaging your goals, you can have a step-by-step game plan to protect your peace, take care of yourself, and step into your power with food decisions—without guilt, stress, or regret.
xo Brenda
PS. Sign Up for “How to NOT Stress Eat Your Way Through the Next 4 Years” Workshop
on Tuesday, February 11th at 1 PM PST.
In just 2 hours, you’ll walk away with a completely personalized plan to navigate the next 4 years—without stress eating.
Sign up now for just $33 at: