This episode is your antidote for any ‘F’-it over eating and sabotaging habits. >>> It’s a MUST listen, for all my listeners!
If you feel like you can’t trust yourself to eat certain things without overeating (ie- sugar/sweets, nuts, crunchy stuff, etc) …
If you feel like you eat ‘great’ for a few days (or maybe even a few weeks) but then you have a miss step and suddenly you’ve gone off the rails…
If it feels IMPOSSIBLE to get through weekends, vacations or your evenings without sabotaging and overeating…
In this episode I take you by the hand and walk you through a CORE BELIEF SYSTEM that I had to first deconstruct and then re-build for myself in order to stop constantly overeating and sabotaging my results.
I teach you the concept of: BOTH, AND.
This won’t just change your weight loss experience and results, THIS WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE.
BELIEVING IN MY TOTAL CAPACITY for BOTH, AND revolutionized this area of my life… and BEYOND.
No matter how long you’ve struggled with your weight and overeating, I’M CERTAIN OF YOUR TOTAL CAPACITY.
YOU can also love this area of your life and decondition any habits of sabotage, as well as the struggle.
OF COURSE you can do this, sister. OF COURSE you can-
To lose your ‘last 10’ using my proven method JOIN THE LAST 10™ Program– GET ALL THE DETAILS HERE: