This week on the podcast, I’m excited to share an amazing treat with all of you! A DOUBLE DOSE OF INSPIRATION.
This weeks episode (& bonus episode!) is a set of stories from listeners & clients who have succeeded incredibly in losing weight they had struggled with their entire lives – using the tools I teach on the podcast and in my program.
DO NOT SKIP THESE. Make sure you GET CURIOUS & BE TOTALLY FASCINATED as we inspect together these two brains & how they have completely REWIRED FOR SUCCESS.
MY RECOMMENDATION: use these two stories as ammo & evidence that it’s 100% possible to change your weight loss experience & reults NO MATTER how long you’ve been struggling.
TAKE NOTE that it is necessary to be relentless & to KEEP TAKING ACTION until you create the result you want in your life.
Changing your results and the ending of your weight loss story is not for the faint of heart. THIS JOURNEY IS FOR THE FIERCE UNSTOPPABLE WOMEN that decided she’s not willing to settle or live her life in pain, frustration & struggle.
Each day YOU GET TO MAKE A CHOICE- which women do I choose to be? What life do I want? & then MAKE THE CHOICES & TAKE THE ACTIONS NECESSARY TO MAKE THAT HAPPEN.
**KNOW THIS** YOU are just as capable & deserving.
Xoxo Brenda
To lose your ‘last 10’ using my proven method JOIN THE LAST 10™ Program–