EP. 335- Stopping Sabotage – Freedom in the Grayscale
June 19, 2023
If you find yourself sabotaging your weight loss progress, listen to this entire episode from start to finish.
This episode is for you…
If you go ‘on’ a diet and then ‘off’ a diet. And when you’re ‘on’ the diet, you lose weight – when you’re ‘off’ the diet, you gain weight: this episode is for you.
If you go from eating ‘perfectly on plan’ to saying ‘eff-it’ and then overeating and sabotaging your weight loss progress: this episode is for you.
If you already know (or you’re starting to understand) that you have ALL-OR-NOTHING thinking when it comes to how you eat, and you keep going from one extreme to the other of ‘dieting’: this episode is for you.
I teach you the answer to stopping sabotage: The Grayscale.
It’s a strategy you’ve never heard of anywhere else.
Register for my free LIVE upcoming training: How to Stop Overeating and Follow Any Damn Food Plan You Want. Lock in your spot here: http://www.brendalomeli.com/signup