EP. 234- Learning & Solutions
Taking responsibility is NOT the same as ‘blaming’…
(*they are oooh-sooo-different!)
Blaming yourself feels miserable.
Taking responsibility [for learning & finding solutions] IS POWERFUL.
When it comes to learning and finding solutions for anything you’re wanting to change, create or problem solve; taking FULL responsibility is essential.
There’s a simply-but-life-changing approach I’ve had in my life in order to ensure I always learn what I need to learn, always find the solutions I need to find, and always get the inspiration that I’m needing.
THIS is why I never ‘get stuck’.
THIS is why I’m constantly up-leveling the areas of my life that I set out to up-level.
I believe that inspiration and solutions and learning can come from anywhere. I know that I’m in charge and fully responsible for finding the solutions, inspirations and things I need to learn; and then applying it (as much, as often, as long as needed).
It’s a very simple, uncomplicated (yet, game-changing!) approach that you can use in ANY area of your life, including your weight loss goal or any goal related to your relationship with body image/food.
In this episode I teach you how to use the tools and the skills you’ve acquired and consistently apply them in your life in order to STOP FEELING STUCK with any weight/food related goals and to make positive, lasting change in all areas if you life.
My mission is to help you FEEL FULLY EQUIPPED to get that you can be your badass self in ALL areas of your life (including this one!).Check out this episode to learn more about my approach to learning and solutions, and how to apply it to your life!
xo Brenda
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