In this 100th podcast episode, I’m sharing and celebrating podcast listeners and the transformations they have been able to create simply by applying what I teach on the podcast week after week. Along with their stories, I’m also teaching you the importance of being absolutely convicted that YOU can also end your own weight struggle and get all the way to your goal results.
Here’s the truth: each of these transformation stories are stories of other women just like you. No different in any way. The beauty of this is that you can take these stories as evidence for yourself that ANY women can live a life without a weight struggle at a weight she loves.
Doubt is the #1 killer of dreams including the dream of living your life at a weight that you love!
It is so so important to immerse yourself in evidence that you ALSO can change this part of your life and put an end to the weight gain cycle.
Each of these women has taken the tools I teach, applied them, and changed their life.
You are just as capable & deserving.