[ Get these bonuses when you join by May 25 at 5pm PT ]
VIP Welcome Box:
Right from the get-go (in your gift) you'll find NEW ways of experiencing PLEASURE instead of searching for comfort in food.
TWO *Private* Coaching Calls with Brenda:
We'll meet to talk about exactly where you are with things. We'll collaborate to create a custom plan of action and make personalized recommendations for you based on your goal and vision.
The Last 10 Weight Loss Success Guide:
Which has my clients saying ‘oh THIS is why I haven’t been losing weight on my own.’ (HARD COPY)
The Last 10 6-Month Journal:
That will FINALLY help you find all the answers you need to put the food & weight struggle behind you. And move on with your life. (HARD COPY)
These bonuses will disappear when the clock below hits zero.