As a Beacon, you are meant to SHINE.

Unveiling Your Superpower:

Like a beacon of light in the darkness, you possess a natural ability and inclination towards nurturing and uplifting those around you. Your spirit shines brightly! You are a source of hope and inspiration, illuminating paths and possess a unique ability inspire others with warmth and unwavering support. 

You radiate light, kindness, and compassion wherever you go, illuminating the lives of those around you – simply by BEING who you are.

You thrive in roles where you can offer support and assistance, and your genuine concern for the well-being of others is both comforting and reassuring. Your presence brings light to the lives of those around you, often helping them navigate through challenges and find their way forward.

The Self-Sacrifice Dilemma

The Beacon Blind Spot:

Your innate ability to prioritize the needs of others often leaves you feeling hesitant to shine too brightly, fearing that it may overshadow or inconvenience those around you. (example: out at dinner with friends, you don’t wanna be ‘that person’ asking for all kinds of modifications, or getting looks of ‘is she on a diet?’)

I want you to imagine a bright light bulb: you can put a lampshade over it but that light will continue to shine through. Moral of the story? Sis, you couldn’t hide your brilliance even if you tried, it’s simply who you are! 

And it's time to embrace (and even celebrate!) your undeniable brilliance – and recognize that by honoring your own desires and priorities, you inspire others to do the same.

Given your incredible capacity for compassion and empathy towards others, there lies an Achilles' heel that is having you stay small and fall short from your goals. Just as a beacon must shine brightly to fulfill its purpose, you’ll have to learn to prioritize your own needs and desires. By covering or dimming your light to avoid inconveniencing others or appearing too visible, you inadvertently limit your own potential and are also hindering your progress towards achieving your weight goals.

This selflessness can lead to feelings of guilt or discomfort when it comes to asserting your own preferences or making choices that prioritize your goals and well-being. Not to mention, your fear of being perceived as "too much" or inconveniencing others causes you to downplay your desires and settle for less than what you truly want, including in your approach to food and weight loss.

To overcome this challenge, you’ll have to learn to center yourself, your desires, and your preferences – and stop playing small to go unnoticed. (ie. If you don’t want cheese on your salad, say it loud and proud! Don’t worry about being ‘noticed’ for this, or being ‘too much’).

Allow yourself to shine brightly, unapologetically, and fiercely prioritize your desire to achieve your weight goals. Recognize that by honoring your own needs and desires, you not only empower yourself but also inspire others to do the same. And HELL YES, because we need this in the world 💫 

Remember, that a lighthouse is most helpful to others BECAUSE IT SHINES (not for dimming it’s light). 

Eating Patterns That Hold You Back:

Putting the needs of others ahead of your own for example: not asking for the modifications you want at the restaurant because it’s an ‘inconvenience’ to others. 

Fear of being perceived as "too much" or inconveniencing others by asserting yourself and/or attaining the version of excellence that you desire. (ie. eating ‘healthy’, reaching your weight loss goal). 

Feeling guilty or uncomfortable asserting your own preferences or making choices that prioritize your goals. 

Settling for less than what you truly desire, including in your approach to food and weight loss (No more playing small, You are meant to SHINE 💫).

Empowerment Strategies to Break Free:

Breaking free from feeling stuck in your weight loss journey begins when you give your wants and needs top billing, without guilt or hesitation. You’re not some supporting actress in this show called life, you are the leading lady, and it’s time to step into Center Stage of your own life! Begin by recognizing the importance of this, allowing yourself to honor your own desires and priorities without fear of judgment or disapproval (although it will likely feel challenging at first!). Practice asserting yourself, your needs, your desires (especially at the dinner table) in a way that feels authentic and true, even if it means stepping out of your comfort zone. Remember that by prioritizing your own well-being, you not only empower yourself but also inspire others to do the same.

It's crucial to recognize how societal expectations and gender roles may have influenced your relationship with food and self-expression. As a woman, you may have been socialized to prioritize the comfort and happiness of others, often at the expense of your own needs and desires. Women who allow themselves to ambitiously pursue their goals, put their needs first, and show up with unapologetic confidence are often displayed as the “villains” in our story, but sis…it’s time for a rewrite. This is just society’s way of pushing women to stay small, but all that badassery in you simply can’t be contained! It’s time to release the fear of outshining others or inconveniencing, the self-doubt and invisibility, and instead step into a holistic approach that empowers you to prioritize self-care and assert your biggest, truest desires. By embracing your light and allowing yourself to be seen, you’ll create a more fulfilling and authentic life while achieving your weight goals. YOUR transformation begins with honoring yourself. No more playing small. You were meant to shine. 

Holistic Approach for Next-level Breakthroughs in your Weight Loss:

In order to stop staying stuck with the same eating patterns that have sabotaged your results until now, you’ll need to:

Have new & improved ways to navigate the fear of being noticed for your goals and/or success.

Break Patterns of PLAYING SMALL and making yourself 2nd priority at it's core (meaning, deconditioning even the oldest habits and even retraining your nervous system) 🔄.

Have new & improved ways to cope with uncomfortable emotions related to visibility and standing out as ‘different’.

Tools and Support to Eliminate People Pleasing and eating out of obligation.

Emotional Processing Tools for any fear that comes up in asserting yourself and your desires and/or being ‘too much’.

Stop playing down your goals and/ or your desires in order to not stand out or be noticed.

(*all things I help my clients do inside The Last 10 Program!)

Ready to create meaningful change in this area of your life based on your superpowers?

I’ve put together a Private Podcast Just for YOU! 🎧

TL10 Breakthrough Weight Loss: Unlock Your Unique Weight Loss Superpower and Overcome Eating Patterns That Hold You Back 🎙️

You'll learn practical strategies to overcome self-doubt, assert your needs and desires with confidence, and prioritize your well-being without guilt or hesitation. Don't miss this opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and illuminate the path to a brighter, healthier future.

Private Podcast